澳洲國際啤酒大賽 Australian International Beer Awards,簡稱AIBA,於1987年由巴拉瑞特大學食品科學講師Neville Gow與釀酒學會秘書長John Harv所創立。在第一年的全國啤酒與釀酒博覽會上,僅由三名評審評選35個參賽作品,到了1993年,巴拉瑞特大學與維多利亞皇家農業社會(RASV)合作舉辦首屆的澳洲國際啤酒大賽。如今的AIBA 已成為世界上最大的年度啤酒競賽之一,吸引來自全世界26個國家,超過400多家啤酒廠與多達2千多名參賽作品。不僅如此,AIBA每年都會邀請來自世界各地具有高專業度的評審團,不斷改進評審制度,以求整個賽事、獎項的完整性。

Why Should You Enter The AIBA ?
- 贏得獎牌或獎盃可供消費者識別,產生差異化並有機會增加銷售。
A medal or trophy win can provide differentiation in the market, and lead to direct sales or opportunities. - 所有的勝選者皆會獲取數位標章,可用於更新後的酒標上,以增加市場競爭力。
All winners receive digital medals which are a national brand seal of excellence. Include yours on your next label run and get ahead of your competitors. - 將提供品牌獨特且創新的產品報告書,全盤解析您與競爭者的差異,是您提升酒款品質的最佳利器。
Benchmark your product against competitors with unique, innovative results reporting, providing more information on where your product is ranked against your competitors. How does your beer rank against the best and what can you do to improve or maintain the quality?
- 勝選者將獲得行銷推廣的實用套組,包括社群發佈的套版和懶人包,當您得知獲獎的當下,即可立即發佈上Instagram或Facebook,將喜悅宣告全世界。
Winners receive a marketing and promotional toolkit, including a media release template and social media artwork. As soon as you find out you’ve won a medal or a trophy, head straight to Instagram or Facebook and tell the world! - 勝選者將獲得至墨爾本皇家展覽推介其得獎酒款。
Award-winners have the opportunity to market their products in the Winning Tastes Pavilion at the Royal Melbourne Show. This popular pavilion was visited by over half of the 465,000 Show patrons during the 2018 Show!
- 名留青史在AIBA的獲獎名單上,並與同年獲獎作品一起享受上台領獎的榮耀。
Join the list of outstanding previous winners and be honored by your peers at the AIBA Presentation!
最後,2019年AIBA的獲獎名單於5月16日公布,台灣的掌門精釀在Imperial Stout、Lambic…等不同類型獲得了五項大獎,而金車的柏克金也獲得3金等多項大獎,展望台灣精釀啤酒產業的前景能蒸蒸日上。

文:Claire Hsieh | 圖:Australian International Beer Awards