此次的加勒比海尋味之旅讓我們從台北穿越地心,來到地表另一端的南美洲的正中心 — 巴拉圭!
On this journey to find Caribbean food, let us travel from Taipei to the center of South America on the other side of the earth – Paraguay!
This beautiful country is rich in culture and natural ecosystems, with popular natural attractions such as the Mbaracayú forest and Vallemí caves. As well as a variety of traditional culture, humanities and arts, of course, it also contains a variety of coveted traditional delicacies.
Therefore, ABV Caribbean Restaurant prepared 6 classic traditional dishes from Paraguay in July, let’s take a look~
巴拉圭經典烤肉盤Asado Paraguayo
Asado在南美洲指的就是烤肉的料理文化。而最適合Asado烤肉的部位,一個是帶骨肋排,一個是厚腹脇肋排,適合喜歡無骨肉的人。還有接近骨頭,內臟旁邊第六到第八根肋骨之間的牛小排。分別為包含肋骨與骨邊筋膜的帶骨牛小排,與不帶骨並且去除筋膜的無骨牛小排,所以牛小排不一定是帶骨的唷!ABV的巴拉圭烤肉選擇帶骨的牛小排,讓大家可以品嚐到更多層次的牛肉口感,並搭配巴拉圭國家美食Chipa Guazu-巴拉圭玉米糕和木薯一起享用。
Asado in South America refers to the cooking culture of grilled meat. The most suitable parts for Asado, one is bone-in rib, and the other is thick flank rib, suitable for people who like boneless meat, so beef short ribs are not necessarily bone-in!
ABV’s Asado opts for bone-in beef short ribs and serves it with Paraguay’s national delicacy, Chipa Guazu – Paraguayan corn cakes and tapioca.
手工巴拉圭豬肉香腸Handmade Paraguayan Pork Sausage
This dish is a pork sausage with a smoky flavor, and is full of spices such as fennel seeds, cardamom powder, pisa grass, etc., which will make you fall in love with it even if you are not familiar with Paraguayan cuisine.
巴拉圭傳統乳酪麵包”Chipa Argolla” Paraguayan Cheese Bread
Chipa是一種小型的、烘烤的、奶酪味的麵包卷,是巴拉圭流行的小吃和早餐食品。早在殖民時代,德國旅行家烏爾里希·施密德就發現,在被稱為 chipa 之前,有一種料理作法的紀錄已經是 Cario-Guarani(瓜拉尼) 當地人稱之為麵包的一種料理方式。
Chipa are small, baked, cheese-flavored bread rolls that are a popular snack and breakfast food in Paraguay. ABV follows tradition and uses tapioca flour, cornmeal, mozzarella cheese, cream, and milk to make this traditional and classic Paraguayan cheese bread.
巴拉圭番石榴餡派”Pasta Frola” Paraguayan Guava Pie
巴拉圭是新鮮芭樂的產地,在早期,芭樂成熟後,當地人為了可以長時間保存水果,因此製作成果醬。而因為有芭樂這樣的果醬產品,再加上歐洲殖民國家料理的傳授,Pasta frola這種以麵粉、糖和雞蛋製成酥皮糕點,就成為巴拉圭傳統的甜點之一。不僅只是酥皮蛋塔做底,內餡為芭樂果泥,頂層再以格紋酥皮為裝飾。這是融合巴拉圭水果物產與歐洲殖民國家留下來的料理手法融合的美味甜點。
Paraguay is the origin of fresh guava. In the early days, after the guava was mature, the locals made jams in order to preserve the fruit for a long time. Pasta frola, a puff pastry made from flour, sugar and eggs, has become one of the traditional desserts in Paraguay.

ABV加勒比海餐酒館 台北忠孝店
➡加勒比海餐酒館訂位: 02-2721-6997
ABV加勒比海餐酒館 竹北光六店
➡加勒比海餐酒館竹北店訂位: 03-667-5770